
Showing posts from 2012

What's your experience with M2M much closer to you viz. automated homes?

Anand Tamariya on October 16, 2012 wrote : Imagine walking into a room and fans going on if it's above 25 degrees celsius; or lights switching on if it's dark; or movies continuing in your bedroom TV when you move out of common area. Or anything else?

Learn electronics

If you want to learn electronics without burning a capacitor or two, have a look at . It allows one to draw circuit diagram and simulate it. Hope you'll find it useful.

Drupal CMS integration with JEE

Content is best managed in a Content Management System (CMS). However, CMS system doesn't stand alone - it's most useful when integrated with other systems (.e.g. a transactional e-Commerce site). But how to do this integration? Most CMS systems (Teamsite, Drupal, Wordpress, OpenCMS etc.) either export XML content or expose APIs to access the content in XML form. So it's only logical to parse this XML and extract the content. Here's some sample code to integrate Drupal CMS content with JSP. <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %> <%@ taglib prefix="x" uri="" %> <c:import var="p" url=""/> <x:parse xml="${p}" var="output"/> <x:out select="$output/rss/channel/item/description" escapeXml="false"/> I'm still trying to figu...

Best practices for extending GWT UiBinder views

I believe there are no best practices yet. So I'll present the result of my weekend research. Hope GWT developers required to work on extending views will find this useful. 1. Copy-paste approach This is the most obvious approach and obviously the most difficult to maintain. So you create a copy of Java class and ui.xml and change it to suit your needs. One might say this is a no-brainer and a non-sense approach. The only reason I'm even mentioning this is because the responses I received suggested this. 2. Embed approach This is useful when you want to add content on the peripheral of an existing view .e.g. adding header/ footer/ sidebar content. You need to create a UIField of the type existing view in a new class in addition to other content and then create your layout in new ui.xml. Java class @UiField     TransactionDetailsView baseView; UI xml ... xmlns:b="urn:import:com. crossview.gwt.client. transaction.view" ... <!-- HTML content --> ...

Thin DB Client

All of us have used fat clients like Toad or squirrel client for DB access. However for data navigation, they are not the best tool. e.g. if you have ORDERS and ORDERITEMS table, to see complete information, one has to fire two queries. This client allows one to click on table name hyperlinks from order results to navigate to items information or to any related table and corresponding data (see screenshot). This is implemented as a simple JSP (attached) which can be deployed on ANY appserver along with necessary driver Jars. Hope you'll find this useful. projects/thindbclient/files/

Geofence demo app for N900

Here's a screenshot of demo Geofence app using bluetooth technology. Geofencing app creates a virtual perimeter around a location of interest,e.g. your laptop, and triggers an alert when an application user exits this perimeter. When the app detects motion via accelerometer (e.g. user has started moving), it kicks-off a bluetooth scan. If the paired device is out of range, it triggers an alert.