Draw and Scribble Notes in GNU Emacs

SVG seems to be quite handy for quick note-taking. You can easily draw simple shapes, use symbols from an SVG library and augment it with some freehand drawing. Combined with excellent keyboard editing of Emacs, you'll not miss anything while taking notes. Code: https://gitlab.com/atamariya/emacs/-/blob/dev/lisp/svg.el Installation When you are drawing programmatically, you need to be able to track nodes by unique ids. e.g. if you call (svg-circle) followed by (svg-rect) using the same id, you should end up with an SVG rectange node. With out of the box svg.el, you'll end up with SVG circle node with attributes from (svg-rect). Hence canvas mode will not work with out of the box svg.el as is. Till my patch which addresses this issue is merged in Emacs core (see https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2021-09/msg00798.html ), you'll need to add following commands in your init file (~/.emacs) to use it. ;; Assuming you have downloa...