Meta git (mgit)

Meta git (mgit) is a wrapper around magit , which is a wrapper around git . If the output looks familiar, it's because it's the output from command git status -v. For the discerning eye, it uses the font-lock defaults from diff mode (notice the highlight on ;;). diff-mode uses repeated diff commands to highlight the refinements. Use diff-mode or diff-refine-hunk if you must have the eye-candy. Motivation Magit is a handy tool for working with git repository in GNU Emacs. However, if you work with a large enough repository, you'll hit a performance road-block. Here's an attempt to deconstruct the problem and find a solution. Magit provides an information rich dashboard for git status. However, this comes with multiple calls to git command. If you run M-x magit-toggle-verbose-refresh and then run magit-status, you'll see the following output: Refreshing buffer ‘magit: src<anand>’... magit-insert-error-header ...