Simple Emacs Spreadsheet

If you need to manipulate a range of data by applying some formula, you need a spreadsheet. Emacs has a builtin Simple Emacs Spreadsheet (SES) mode to help you with the same. To get started, simply create a file with .ses extension.

To beautify your data (outline around cells), you can apply a "box face" to cells. Per this discussion, it should be available in Emacs 29. If for some reason it does not make it to a release (because some people don't like it), you can create a face with :box attribute.

(defface box-face '((t :inherit default :box (:line-width 1)))
  "The face to use for current cell.")

Default printer

ses-center printer

It's a simple text file with buffer narrowed while displaying. To view it in full, simply widen the buffer.



  1. Thanks! This seems to work in Emacs 28 as well!


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