Creating a bootable hard-disk image with Grub2
Here's a shell script for creating a bootable hard-disk image with Grub2 (v2.06). You need parted, kpartx and grub2. It's a derived version of original script here.
# Create the actual disk image - 20MB
dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img count=20 bs=1048576
# Make the partition table, partition and set it bootable.
parted --script disk.img mklabel msdos mkpart p ext2 1 100% set 1 boot on
# Map the partitions from the image file
kpartx -a disk.img
# sleep a sec, wait for kpartx to create the device nodes
sleep 1
# Make an ext2 filesystem on the first partition.
mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/loop0p1
# Make the mount-point
mkdir -p /mnt
# Mount the filesystem via loopback
mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt
# Copy in the files from the staging directory
# cp -r build/* /mnt
# Create a device map for grub
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/grub
echo "(hd0) /dev/loop0" > /mnt/boot/grub/
# Use grub2-install to actually install Grub. The options are:
# * No floppy polling.
dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img count=20 bs=1048576
# Make the partition table, partition and set it bootable.
parted --script disk.img mklabel msdos mkpart p ext2 1 100% set 1 boot on
# Map the partitions from the image file
kpartx -a disk.img
# sleep a sec, wait for kpartx to create the device nodes
sleep 1
# Make an ext2 filesystem on the first partition.
mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/loop0p1
# Make the mount-point
mkdir -p /mnt
# Mount the filesystem via loopback
mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt
# Copy in the files from the staging directory
# cp -r build/* /mnt
# Create a device map for grub
mkdir -p /mnt/boot/grub
echo "(hd0) /dev/loop0" > /mnt/boot/grub/
# Use grub2-install to actually install Grub. The options are:
# * No floppy polling.
# * Install grub into the filesystem at our loopback mountpoint.
# * Install the MBR to the loopback device itself.
grub-install --no-floppy \
--target=i386-pc \
--root-directory=/mnt \
/dev/loop0 -v
# Unmount the loopback
umount /mnt
# Unmap the image
kpartx -d disk.img
# * Install the MBR to the loopback device itself.
grub-install --no-floppy \
--target=i386-pc \
--root-directory=/mnt \
/dev/loop0 -v
# Unmount the loopback
umount /mnt
# Unmap the image
kpartx -d disk.img
You can run the image using Qemu.
kvm -hda disk.img
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