The Oval Editor (Emacs)


 The Oval Editor is a feature which allows the user to combine text with advanced formatting and drawings seamlessly in Emacs.

This is an amalgamation of several disparate features developed over a period of time. It is also available as a single package in my Emacs fork.

(require 'formula)

Use M-x formula-draw to start drawing in a buffer. Select rectangle shape by pressing r. You can use the grid lines to align the shapes. You may exit the drawing mode by pressing q. Double-click on the shape to start editing the text inside a shape. The editing area is restricted to the width of the enclosing shape. Use right-click context menu to apply formatting. The demo uses Noto Sans Variable font to showcase stretch/width and weight features. Use tab during completion to get a preview in the annotation area with the options. Use C-c C-c to exit the edit mode.



