Comics Builder in GNU Emacs


Generate comics strip from a script in GNU Emacs.

First, create a folder containing artwork. You can use samples from [2]. It should have three subfolders - faces, poses and backgrounds. Images can be GIF, JPG or PNG. Filenames for face and poses follow a convention: <id>-<emotion>.<ext>. Please ensure you have atleast one file for neutral emotion.

Set appropriate values for following variables:

  • comics-artwork - Folder containing artwork
  • comics-col-max - Maximum no. of columns (default: 2)
  • comics-emotions - Alist of emotions and words used to describe them
  • comics-avatars - A list of cons cells (FACE-ID . BODY-ID)

Open a file containing the script (sample below) and run M-x comics. This will generate an SVG image for the comics strip which will fit the display window. Panels are rendered with fixed font-size so that it is always readable.

Actors are assigned an avatar from comics-avatars sequentially as they appear in the script. Normally, all the actors are drawn using neutral emotion. If you want to use a specific artwork for an actor in a panel or generic positive/negative emotions, define the same at the end of the dialog as (<face-emotion>/<body-emotion>).

Background image is defined within square-brackets .e.g. [001]


Sample script

A statement is rendered as a Narration balloon
a: Hi
b: Hello

A blank line starts a new panel.
b: I'm happy! (positive)
a: I'm sad! (negative)


Code (image-mime-type) (dom-tag)




  1. Could you create a video explaining how to make it work for dummies? Thanks!

    1. I get "Wrong type argument: listp, "A statement is rendered as a Narration balloon"

    2. I guess you'd need dom.el from my repo too. The new definition allows string to be identified as a text node.

      Thanks for reporting.

    3. Thank you! I also commented on Reddit, I still got an extra error posted there. Thanks for your help.

    4. Ah...I didn't see a follow-up on the reddit post. So I assumed it was fixed. What's the new error?

    5. Now I get the following error: "Attempt to shape unibyte text".

    6. You can either apply following patch or upgrade to latest Emacs

    7. Thanks. I have Emacs 27.2 How do I go about applying that patch? I'm not Emacs savvy.

    8. Patching would mean building from sources since it is C code. I guess upgrading to latest version would be a simpler option.

    9. Thanks. Will this affect my current distribution (Prelude) or anything in my Emacs if I upgrade?


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