Twitter access from GNU Emacs


twittering-mode allows you to access Twitter from GNU Emacs. If you have curl installed on your system, it mostly works out of the box except for images. Use u for new tweet, RET for reply, and C-c C-m or C-c RET for retweet.

For images, you need to follow these instructions. It basically defines a new format string %I for images in (twittering-generate-format-table).

 ("I" .
       (let* ((entities (cdr (assq 'entity ,status-sym)))
         (mapc (lambda (url-info)
                 (setq text (or (cdr (assq 'media-url url-info)) "")))
               (cdr (assq 'media entities)))
         (if (string-equal "" text)
           (let ((twittering-convert-fix-size 360))
             (twittering-make-icon-string nil nil text)))))


You can also change the display format string to suit your needs. Typically, you'd change the faces and the placement of fill string.

 (setq twittering-use-native-retweet t
"  %i %FACE[font-lock-function-name-face]{@%s}  %FACE[italic]{%@}  %FACE[error]{%FIELD-IF-NONZERO[❤ %d]{favorite_count}}  %FACE[warning]{%FIELD-IF-NONZERO[↺ %d]{retweet_count}}
%FOLD[  ]{%FILL{%t}
%FOLD[  ]{%FACE[font-lock-function-name-face]{@%s}\t%FACE[shadow]{%@}
%FOLD[ ]{%FILL{%t}}
%FILL{  %I}
%FACE[underline]{                                                                                            }

You can find a custom version including these changes here.


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